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Bobcat T190 Final Drive Motor Tips

Bobcat Skid Steer Final Drive Video

The topic of this video is a final drive from a Bobcat T190 skid steer. Heath has a working T190 final drive on the hydraulic test bench in the shop so he can discuss some tips on how to quickly and easily track down the source of potential problems.

You can start by looking for leakage or metal debris behind the rotating sprocket flange of your final drive, which would indicate impending bearing failure.You can also put your hand on the end of the sprocket and then on back side of the drive (if you can reach it) to check for excessive heat. Heat, leakage, or metal debris are all signs that you have a problem with your final drive that needs to be checked out before more serious issues begin to occur. Failure to address these symptoms right away will only cost you more money for very extensive repairs later on.

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