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Bobcat T190 Charge Pump Pressure

Problem with Bobcat T190 Final Drive Video

In this video, Heath has a final drive from a Bobcat T190 compact track loader hooked up to the hydraulic test bench in order to help diagnose some common final drive problems.

Many people call in complaining that their final drive simply won’t move. Before assuming that your final drive is malfunctioning, you should check your charge pump pressure. This allows you to check the brake pressure applied to the drive to disengage the brake while it is operating, which can be used to help diagnose your travel motor.

In the video, Heath is doing it hydrostatically on the test bench, but you can do it in your shop or in the field using a pressure gauge. You simply compare the pressure you read from the pressure gauge to the parameters listed in your service manual, as demonstrated by Heath.

If the pressure is either above or below the recommended parameters, you need to have your charge pump replaced and the problem is most likely not with your final drive. However, if the values are within the range given in your service manual, then it is indeed a problem with your final drive and you need to have it checked out.

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